Standing Rules

  1.  The regular business meetings shall be
held at 9:30 a.m.

  2.  Regular social meetings shall be held as scheduled in the yearbook.

  3.  Members shall be informed of any changes to regular business or social meetings.

  4.  Duties assigned to a member shall be performed by her or by a substitute approved by the president and the program chair.

  5.  All committees will assume their duties as soon as appointed.  The previous Program and Social committees will complete their planned activities through May.  The newly appointed Program and Social committees will begin their planning immediately.

  6.  The chapter will pay the delegate's out of pocket expenses to the Arizona State Convention, which may include an additional night's room, additional meals, and travel.  If the alternate delegate wishes to attend the convention, the chapter will pay for the convention meals and a shared room with the delegate.

  7.  The president shall not be expected to serve as hostess during her term of office.

  8.  Upon the death of a member of the chapter, a $50 donation will be given in her memory to a P.E.O. philanthropic project of her choice as reflected in her P.E.O. Wish.  Also, a floral star will be provided for the service unless otherwise specified in her P.E.O. Wish.  Upon the death of a spouse of a member of the chapter, a $25 donation shall be given to the P.E.O. philanthropic project of the family's choice.

  9.  Visitors shall be asked to leave the meeting during discussion of sensitive business.

10.  Upon the recommendations of the Membership Committee, a P.E.O. (winter visitor) from an out-of-state chapter who has actively participated in the life of Chapter EZ for one year may be invited to become a Daisy Sister (Shared Sister) by a majority vote of the chapter.  The Daisy Sister may purchase Chapter EZ's yearbook in a binder for ten dollars ($10.00); she will pay an additional five dollars ($5.00) each February for so long as she wishes to remain a Daisy Sister of EZ.  Chapter EZ shall have no more than five (5) Daisy Sisters.

11.  These Standing Rules shall be amended by a two-thirds vote without previous notice or by a majority vote with notice.  A standing rule shall be adopted or suspended by majority vote.  A vote to suspend applies only to the meeting at which the vote is taken.

Amended 2/29/2024