Bylaws of Chapter EZ


Section 1.  The regular meetings of Chapter EZ shall be held at places designated in the yearbook on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, except during the stated vacation period.  The vacation period shall extend from the fourth Tuesday in May to the fourth Tuesday in September.

Section 2.  There shall be twelve regular meetings each year. 

Section 3.  Meetings may be held in-person, virtually through the use of an internet meeting service, or hybrid (a combination of both).  In-person and hybrid meetings shall be held at places designated in the yearbook.

Section 4.  In the event of a virtual or hybrid meeting, an anonymous vote conducted through the designated internet meeting service shall fulfill any requirement that a vote be conducted by ballot.


Section 1.  Annual dues shall be $60.00 payable in February and delinquent March 1.  This shall include International dues of $36.00 (which includes $6.00 for Cottey College).  State Chapter dues of $20.00 (which includes $4.00 for the International Convention of 2025) and local dues of $4.00 (which includes $2.00 for the Arizona State Convention Fund).

Section 2.  The chapter shall pay all dues, assessments and fees as adopted by Arizona State and International Chapters.

Section 3.  The Chapter shall pay annual dues in the amount of thirty dollars ($30.00) to Mesa Reciprocity Council.


Section 1.  The President, with the assistant of the Nominating Committee, shall appoint the following committees at the first meeting following installation of officers in March:  P.E.O. Educational Loan Fund, P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund, P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education, P.E.O. Scholar Awards, P.E.O. STAR Scholarship, Cottey College / Elizabeth LaForce Scholarship and Grant Fund / Loretta G. Walker Fund / Jacqueline Dawson Cottey Program Fund, Faith McKee Fund, Audit, Bylaws and Standing Rules, Counseling / Orientation, Courtesy, Finance, Membership, Philanthropic Projects Coordinator, Program/Yearbook, Social, Telephone, and Ways and Means.  She shall also appoint a Historian.

Section 2.  The President will specify the number of committee members and duties of each committee.  The first named member shall be the chair of the committee.


Section 1.  Nomination of officers, and delegate and alternate to convention shall be made by a nominating committee.

Section 2.  A nominating committee of three members shall be appointed by the President at the first meeting in January.  The member first named shall be the chair.  At the first meeting in February, this committee shall present a name for each office and for the delegate and alternate to convention of the state chapter.  The election of officers will be held the second meeting in February.  Installation of 
officers will be held the first meeting in March.  The year the Chapter EZ is entitled to representation at Convention of International Chapter, the nominating committee shall present a name for the delegate and alternate along with the above slate of officers.

Section 3.  Election shall be by written or electronic ballot.   In the event of a virtual or hybrid meeting of the chapter, an anonymous vote conducted through the designated internet meeting service shall fulfill any requirement that a vote be conducted by ballot.  If the committee has made but one nomination for an office, and there are no further nominations for each office called in sequence, by general consent the ballot may be dispensed with and a non-counted vote taken for the  ticket.

Section 4.  The newly elected and installed President and Treasurer of P.E.O. Sisterhood Chapter EZ, Mesa, AZ will assume the duty and responsibility for deposit and disbursement of funds and therefore will be added to the Chapter EZ bank account as authorized signers and the former officers will be removed.


Section 1.  The President will appoint reciprocity representatives, a musician, a parliamentarian, and technology contact.


Section 1.  These bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of the chapter by a two-thirds vote, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular business meeting.
Amended 02-29-2024