Merry Christmas!
Today is our day
We’re off for the holidays
We’re off and away.

Oh, the places we will go
Come rain or come snow.
To the store for cards
For family and friends,

Then off to the Post Office
Where these cards we will sent.
Back to shopping for the gifts on our list, Decorations for the house
And yard we won’t miss.

Off we go for a tree, some lights, and a star.
Oh, what fun we will have getting all up to par. Then shopping for turkey, dressing and all the rest
For our Christmas dinner fit for our guests

Next place we will go to our church all aglow The Christmas Eve service with family and friends
To hear the wondrous story of the baby God sends
Oh, the Places we will go on this glorious night

To Bethlehem, a stable, a star Oh, so bright
But the inn was so crowded no place was in sight
For Joseph to take Mary his most pregnant wife. Poor Joseph, ashamed, oh, such a plight.

Mary assured him that it was alright,
If God wanted His Son to be born In a stable that night.
The stable was lowly, But the straw was just right.
For Jesus, God’s son to be born there on this night.

Mary pondered as on her son she did gaze.  Should she give Him some milk, or should she give Him praise.
She gave him both, as near as she could tell,
For he was both hungry and Holy as well.
Mary smiled, Joseph dozed, Jesus let out not a peep.

The cattle were lowing, All the sheep were asleep.
Then voices and shepherds there to worship the King,
For the angels had appeared
And told them this thing

Baby Jesus lay fast asleep on the hay
As the shepherds knelt and worshipped that day.
Then silently they left, back to their fields
Filled with the great joy, and a new life revealed.

Then came three wise men, from the East they had come
Had followed the star over the stable had hung. Gold, frankincense, myrrh, they had brought
Fit for the King so long they had sought
They knelt and they worshipped, Then went on their way.

Mary and Joseph, they rested pondering this miraculous day.
Once on a night long, long ago,
Heaven touched the earth with a wonderest glow
Our Savior was born, and new hope was brought to a world
where peace is still to be sought.

Jesus, Savior, Shephard, and King, Lord of all, to you, we each bring.
Praises, wonder, thanks, and love,
For you, the gift from our God above.
This Christmas, Lord Jesus, give us nothing to fear,
And always the gift of a bright new year.

The End

P.S. I am no Dr. Suess, but it was fun trying! My love and Christmas blessings to each of you.  We thank Helen for her wonderful inspirational Nativity Story!